Thursday, May 12, 2011

6 Tips To Improve Your Running

About the last year I have taken up running. I started running because its good for your body, improves how your cardio vascular system runs, keeps you strong, is a great tool in losing a few pounds, and lastly, running improves your survival chances should one be chased by someone or something. <---- the last parts a joke. But in all seriousness, running is GREAT!

With that being said, running is extremely hard and very few come by it naturally. Like me for example. It has taken me a full year to be able to improve drastically. When I first started out at the begining of last summer, I was able to run non stop for about 1-2 minutes, Now I can run 50 minutes comfortably without stopping.

I have put together a list of tips that, if put to use along with practice, determination, and a few buckets of sweat, should produce the results you are looking for in the quickest time possible.

  1. Get Propperly Fitted For Shoes
    • The majority of beginners do not realize how important a good pair of shoes are. They can improve your form, support your feet, and make the chore of running much easier on your body.
    • Find a running store near you and go get fitted for a proper pair of shoes, this is one thing you NEED to invest in.  Mizuno Get Fit Guide is a great little online running assessment that will tell you what Mizuno brand shoe best fits you. If you cant afford to go get fitted by professionals I suggest or something like it as a second option.
  2. Work on your Breathing
    • When you breathe make sure your stomach is expanding not your chest. This will send the optimal amount of oxygen through your veins.
    • Breathing also calms your inner self, much time, runners develop the "I can't go any longer" attitude, you feel a side stitch coming along and you shortly thereafter give up. Breathing will cause your body to stay calm and let your mind continue to push through the pain
    • TIP: When exhaling, make sure to land on your LEFT foot. An old wives tale suggests that the reason runners get side stitches is that they exhale on their right foot causing your liver and other organs to tense up, this causes the side stitch. So by exhaling and landing simultaneously on your LEFT foot relieves this. ( I have tried it and it works; I live by this tip)
  3. Nutrition
    • Before going out for a run, it is important to have a well balanced snack consisting of mostly complex carbs, (I.E. a piece of toast, piece of fruit, hand ful of nuts etc) paired with a lean protein (think cheese stick, glass of milk, couple slices of meat etc.)
    • After your run it is important to eat protein immediately. This is because while running your body gets fatigued, when your body is tired it will search for the easiest form of energy to refuel itself, Proteins are easiest to convert to sugar to be used for fuel. If you do not provide your body with protein post workout, then it will look to your muscles for fuel. Many people suggest a protein shake, or one 8oz glass of chocolate milk, it contains the perfect balance of protein to carbs for recovery. Don't know about you but any excuse to drink chocolate milk I refuse to question!
  4. Speed vs. Distance
    • Speed- to improve your speed, do interval training, run fast for 2 minutes, jog for 3 minutes, walk for 1 minute, and repeat, you can create your own interval training sequence that fits you best but it is important to add in sprints, as this will improve your speed.
    • Distance- to improve your distance, don't worry about speed. Instead map out a course with your car or the internet, and then run, run for as long as you can. I suggest finding your "all day running pace" meaning a pace that neither exhausts you but isn't a walk either. Once you find this pace, run for as long as possible, walk as minimal as possible. Over time your distance will improve but it is important to push through.
  5. Form
    • When running your toes should never extend out in front of you past your knees.
    • Your arms should stay as close to 90 degree angles at your side. Resist from bringing them up closer to your face as you get tired.
    • The foot that is behind you should be the one propelling you forward.
    • When Running up hill your eyes should remain elevated towards the top of the hill. This keeps your wind pipe and lungs open to receive as much oxygen as possible.
    • Your toes should point directly forward or the slightest bit out, but never in.
  6. Streaching
    • It is a common myth that streaching before exercise will decrease your chances of injury. Studies have shown that speed runners should not streach before as it relaxes the muscles, taking away some of the power behind the tightness of the muscles, HOWEVER if you are a long distance runner, studies have shown that it is important to streach before as it elongates your muscles making them more streachy, thus allowing them more running time before they become tight.
    • It is important to streach after all physical exercise. When you streach your body releases a chemical that tells the body to start healing itself. It also keeps your muscles from being as sore the day after.
I hope these tips are helpful. I know they have been for me.

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